

All staff are rotated to have time out of their rooms to carry out their administrative tasks. As such, they are not expected to care for the children and focus on planning activities at the same time.


From the start, your child will be assigned a Key Person. This practitioner will be your child’s main carer in their room, getting to know you, your family and learning all that they can about your child’s interests, abilities, likes and dislikes. This will help to ensure that your child’s care and learning is tailored to meet their individual needs, and their progress monitored. Your Key Person will also make suggestions on how you can support your child’s development at home.

Ofsted and the EYFS Framework require child to staff ratios as follows:

Age of child Staff / Child ratio
Under 2 Years 1:2
2 – 3 Years 1:4
Over 3 Years 1:8